Monday, September 13, 2010

the pursuit of education.

i am learning.


some days i learn things from school. for example, how to write as a reporter. how to use the inverted pyramid when writing and to make a "lead." i learned the difference between supply curves and demand curves. i have learned how to write a resume and cover letter. and now i am learning how to persuade people.

sometimes, i learn from my roommates. this does not happen often (joking), but i do learn. they teach me how to dig deeper into my own life and figure out what i truly want, and what God wants for me. i learn how to get someone else's back. i learn when the right and wrong time to say something is.

sometimes, i learn from random strangers. i observe interactions in kroger or in the student center. i learned today that it is definitely NOT okay to kiss goodbye on the concourse (by vicarious experience obviously) and that grey t-shirts in alabama heat is NOT a good idea (by direct experience).

i learn every single day. i learn about myself.


on another note. i have been watching little ella. she has grown so much in the past couple months. i am so blessed to have the opportunity to keep her. it is like practice for when i get older... or when i have kids. i hope i have kids.

i am praying the Lord will bless me with children.

here is precious ella.

i really love keeping ella. the time i spend in her home has been such a new page for me. i spend hours alone with ella. it is a special time for me to be still and silent. and just listen.

of course i spend much of that time playing and entertaining ella, but she cannot speak back to me yet, so it makes for a quite afternoon.

but i love every minute of it.


funny story.

so i thought i was OCD right. well today i found someone who is the most extreme example i have ever seen.

mind you, i am in the old foy dining hall, which i guess isn't really old anymore. it's new. anyways...

it is about 1:15 this afternoon and i am standing in line behind these two girls in the salad line. it is make it yourself. clever and rather brilliant idea. saves time, you know. but i am standing behind this girl and i am not sure if it is because i am very hungry or this girl is crazy.

homegirl starts arranging her pieces of lettuce. i lost it. i mean i looked at sara and lost it. crying practically.

i mean i was hot and hungry, but it seemed like this girl stood here for about an hour arranging her lettuce in the box. not really moving it, put twisting and maneuvering it the way she wanted it in the box.

i thought it was blog worthy.

then i got to the table and realized that my salad was arranged in color order around the box in accordance with the rainbow.

really. that was embarrassing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


last night, the residents of 6305 got in baking mode. well actually we have been in baking mode for the past two weekends.

last weekend was mary ev's 21st birthday celebration, and i was honored by being asked to bake the cake for her party. it was a funfetti creation, two layered, icing-ed amazing piece of architecture.

the next morning, gameday mind you, i created the yummiest pound cake. and it was from a box. who would have thought a box pound cake would be good? betty are an amazing woman.

back to our latest creation... the greatest chocolate cake EVER. yes. that is it's name.

the roommates and i wanted to make something from scratch, but, seeing that we are mixer-less, i made the executive decision to do a semi-homemade baked good. so of course, i googled how to make a box cake mix better.

i stumbled upon this blog by Kevin and Amanda. it is a precious blog. and an even better cake.

we made it. it was so good.

caroline m. even came over tonight and took some home with her. it is extraordinary. if you would like a cake made especially for you, you know how to get in touch with me.


here i am. apologizing for letting my three followers down again. i have no excuse. i guess lack of whit and cleverness would be my only crutch to cling to currently.

nevertheless, i am back.

i have no real funny story to tell. no grand adventure to entice your hungry souls. my life, always so epic i know, has been very chill. very relaxed.

but, i did register for my half marathon. every time i say i am doing one, i do not. however, this time is different.

uncle wes has already told people we are doing it, and now the family is involved.

meaning-- pressure.

thanksgiving morning, i will be running 13.1 miles around downtown atlanta. how will you be spending your turkey day?


i am beginning to go back through 1 peter. i am so excited to see where the Lord leads me. what He decides to show me this time.

the only way you begin a relationship is by spending time. time daily. speaking and listening. learning about the way He moves, the way He talks, the ways He shows off.

i am beginning this new journey, new school year, with a new perspective.

to honor.
to serve.
to love.