Friday, May 8, 2009

may 8

today is friday may the 8th. i leave auburn in exactly four days for Uganda.

yesterday, i took my last exams as a freshman. and i packed my car to the brim and drove home to mongtomery. as i was driving home and singing (totally normal) i almost had a wreck. yesterday there were floods in montgomery and my mom and dad had called to warn me, but i was kinda like "oh sure...floods". since when does it flood in montgomery. well as i was driving home, i saw the floods and was shocked. at one point i almost slammed on my breaks it was so crazy. i felt so bad for the families who had their homes messed up. as i was walking last night i saw a couple homes in my neighbothood that were having restoration work done to their homes. it reminded me to be thankful that the flood did not mess up my home.

then my train of thoughts went to uganda. restoration. restore. bingo.

that is what we are going over there to do, restore. bring restoration to the people in uganda looking for healing. we get to being restoration to eye sight which is something i am truly excited about. the Eyes for Africa organization gave us about two or three hundred pairs of eye glasses for the people in uganda. it is going to be a very fascinating experience, as will the rest of the trip.

today i am praying for a gentle spirit with people. not only my family, but with people that i will encounter daily on the trip. i am so thankful for our team. we all mesh so weirdly together that it is only by God's grace. i have just loved getting to be around them and growing together before this journey.

sometimes i find myself getting caught up in the whole schedule thing, but i know that it will not be a very tight schelule over there. i am learning to be flexible, well fluid. fluidity. just like water. i love that illustration.

well that is what is currently on my mind. until later... law and order calls.

1 comment:

mary evelyn said...

so, you're in uganda right now. that is so sweet! just wanted to leave you a little comment about the fact that i do read your blog, playa. i've missed you a ton not living in the same room with you/talking to you in real life everyday.AND watching law and order with you! :( i'm so proud of you for going on this mission trip. i know that God is using you and those words you know in lugandan (seriously). i'm praying for you and the people in the village ya'll will be working with! you are furthering His kingdom, how cool is that? you're great! can't wait to see you! LOVE YOU