today i drove from auburn to troy, then from troy back to montgomery. all in all i drove about two hours. which is not too far, but i was running low on sleep. i love the drive to troy though. the reason is pike road. there are so many old, small houses and old, run down barns. plantation homes, cattle, horses. it is b e a u t i f u l. i wished i was not in a hurry to get to troy because i would have stopped and taken some pictures on the way. i love capturing things that are natural. raw and interesting.
but the weather was really weird during the drive. it would rain and then be sunny. rain and then the sun would come back out. and as i was talking with my sister on the phone i realized something that is a real application to our lives. the sun is always there. the sun may go behind a cloud and we may not feel the direct rays or see it extremely well, but it is always there. this is the Son of God. sometimes our lives get a little rainy, and we feel like we cannot feel the Son or see Him, but He is a l w a y s there. he is ever present. ever lasting.
where can i go from your spirit?
where can i go from your presence?
if i rise on the wings of the dawn
if i settle on far side of the sea
even there your hand will guide me
your right hand will hold me fast
i love that passage in psalms [139]. but that part in particular. we cannot escape His love. who would want to? a love like that is so incredible. a love that we cannot run from, cannot hide from. He finds us, he holds us, he guides us. what a remarkable God we serve. and i cannot hide my love for Him. goal everyday: b r i n g h i m g l o r y. that is why we are here : to glorify God and enjoy him forever... it's the chief end of man.
"lord these are just words, and are not enough to contain you. father, just words. they could never suffice, to acclaim you. you are indescribable, you are beyond expression. i run out of words for you, i can't think that high. so hear my spirit groan in me. a painful sense of urgency. to tell you that you are to me. so high."
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