Wednesday, December 14, 2011


it's about time that i write again. november has been full of driving and running. so i will recap before all the exciting Christmas activities begin...

We celebrated this beautiful woman's (my aunt pam) birthday in early november...

and i made "the bread" for the party...


thanksgiving break, we stayed in montgomery for the most part. we traveled to atlanta for the half marathon on Wednesday, ran Thursday morning and then drove back to montgomery to have dinner at our house. we had everyone here, including the grands from ATL.

the above pictures include mom's flowers she put together from some bouquets at wal-mart... and my apple spice cake with cider buttercream. i think it might be one of the greater cakes i've made so far.

pre-thanksgiving break we celebrated our last Mallard Ball. it was bittersweet. i wore shorts, as you can see, and enjoyed the comments made by all in attendance. it wasn't that cold out...
and as you are all aware... Adele didn't work out in October... and so my parents have been wracking their brains to figure out what to give me for my birthday... in november. so after much thought, my mom went out and picked up this little baby. never have i been more surprised by a gift. and truly know i will use this new gadget quite often. which only means more baking in the apartment.... which makes everyone happy!!

i also got to take pictures of my babies for their christmas card... 

they are little precious angels!

so thanks for dealing with my delay...

i am off to AUSTIN on friday for my lovely texan wedding! i am beyond excited... hopefully i will have plenty of photos to show off.

until then... it's 11 days until CHRISTMAS!! eeeee

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