Thursday, September 20, 2012

the prep.

hola blog world. it's been a minute.

the remainder of august and september thus far have been a complete whirlwind. all together exciting and memorable.

after my last little post, i got a job. at Brave Public Relations here in atlanta. it was an obvious, clear, direct sign from Jesus that I take the opportunity. it is temporary, but it is a JOB and i am learning a lot about my field and how to take my skills and apply them to my job.

that being said, i work full time. which i haven't done in a while.

and i love having a routine again, and this i am sure you are keenly aware of is good for my admin/marge self.

i feel like this pre-fall season is what i am calling the prep and method phase. preparation is kinda the most important part to anything you do. think about cooking/baking. you cannot just throw everything you think you need into a bowl and then have cookies... you gotta measure and separate and beat things together. sometimes you have to have a little separation to make the recipe turn out perfectly.

and i feel that is where i'm at.

i am being prepared quickly for what is to come. and i am ready to embrace everything the Lord has prepared ahead for me! i love the way he has been stretching me emotionally and physically [with working and training for the marathon and with family/friends/new people/old people/ etc etc] He is mixing in new things into my life while sustaining lasting things, teaching me to balance my life on His tables.

the prep and the method are crucial in making this recipe splendid. and i'm in the middle of that marvelous "phase".

so to catch everyone up... here is an overview of august and september!

august 22- interviewed with Brave and got the job. started working the 27. Will and i have been little travel bunnies. we went to the visit family in NC and favorites in bham, and then back to charlotte for the Hillsong concert. i went back to montgomery to take kelsey and chad's engagement photos...

can you say beautiful? i loved doing this!

also, one of my bestest bestest friends got engaged in august, another one of my bestests moved to atlanta AND i got to eat lunch with one of my FAVORITE texans in the world... miss myra. i have had a seriously blessed couple months.

marathon training- still going on if you were questioning it. we will be running our second to longest run in the training phase- a big 19 miler. and we are a little over 6 weeks out from the big day. so prayers are appreciated! no injuries!

mostly- i am excited because this morning when i was walking to my car and to work at 7:45, it was chilly! is it fall yet??? it will officially be on Sept. 22! and october, which is the best month in the year, i think, is coming up soon. 

well blessings to you all. 

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